My approach to design is participatory and iterative.

Complex or simple my approach is the same ā€“ it engages the real experts, the people that live the experience, from beginning to end. This approach is intended to inform the design of more meaningful and sustainable solutions, while at the same time creating buy-in for change.

My experience in strategy, research, and design touches all stages of the design process (shown below), from initial discovery and participatory research, to design development, evaluation, and launch.


Areas of Interest

Iā€™m most interested in working at the front-end of the design process, defining where change could take place and where it may be most needed.


Research Methods

A majority of the methods I use fall into one of three categories: Say, Do, or Make methods.


Design Tools

From quick ball-point sketching to Rhino surface modeling, I use various instruments to solve problems and explore form development.
