Erika Braun

To me, design is more than an artifact or an outcome; design is a frame of mind, a human-centered process of sensemaking and problem solving aimed at creating true value.


My name is Erika.


I’m an Experience Strategist, Researcher, and Designer.

This site demonstrates a full range of experience in front-end exploratory research, strategy, design, and evaluative research across four key industries: consumer/lifestyle, healthcare, technology commercialization, and social good.


Product Design.

I began my career as a Product (Industrial) Designer, developing consumer goods, sports gear, and toys. Work in this section exhibits developed products along with concept sketches for projects I’m unable to fully share.


Highlighted project


Solar Luke Light

A case study of an ongoing solar light (pro bono) project that I’m working on in collaboration with Gisela Voss (founder of B.Toys), Unite to Light, and WE Charity.

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Product Sketches

Gallery of various product sketches.

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Design Research + Strategy.

More and more the work I do has less to do with tangible design outcomes, in the traditional design sense, and more to do with the design of systems, services, strategies, and experiences. 


Data Visualization + Experience Mapping

Visual Storytelling.

I work with a lot of qualitative data. The output of many of my research projects, beyond research reports, are visual representations of the findings. I find visuals can help to communicate research insights and relationships (across time, elements/themes, and stakeholders in a system, etc.), stir internal and external engagement, and draw out empathy for the people we are designing for.

The work in this gallery highlights a variety of ways I’ve synthesized and communicated data visually, from a simple story explaining sensory overload from the perspective of a person with autism, to persona posters and experience journey maps.


Exploratory Work.

Projects in this section showcase explorations in physical and digital product design. 
